Colds announce themselves in many people with unpleasant scratching and discomfort in the throat. Often this symptom is a result of cold, wet feet and a sign that cold bacteria and viruses have struck . Whether and which help home remedies depends on the cause.
Sore throat is a symptom, not a disease in itself. The cause may be a virus, the flu, or even may cause a runny nose, a most bacterial tonsillitis, too long a stay in nicotine- saturated or dry air or cooling down by drafts . For sore throat in combination with swallowing, hoarseness, and strong fever, it is high time to see a doctor.
In general, announces so namely a respiratory infection, which goes beyond an annoying but harmless cold.
Flu, laryngitis, or even pneumonia are then possibly coming. Caution is also required when the lymph nodes in the neck swollen and mucous membranes are very red in the throat area. In acute fever sufferers should refrain basically in cold, wet environments on sports or exercise.
Preventive measures against sore throat.
Quick remedy for neck pain
When one is attacked, despite all the precautions of neck discomfort, which can relieve the annoying symptoms by various means.
Warm wrap : A damp cloth or towel moistened with warm water, a few drops of an essential oil to often work wonders. The wrap is additionally covered with a dry towel or scarf to keep the heat for long.
Medicinal teas for colds do with their disinfecting and soothing effect and the strep throat well . For example, you include sage, thyme, mallow or hibiscus.
Throat drops honey-based or with active ingredients from Iceland moss, sage, plantain maintain the mucous membranes, relieve inflammation pain and scratching.
It is also helpful gargling with plain salt water, chamomile or sage infusion . Sage such as chamomile have a strong astringent, anti-inflammatory effect.
Throat spray with antiseptic agents help against acute inflammation in the throat. They penetrate deep into the throat. Are substances as contained hexetidin, attention must be paid to the compatibility.